Identifying and Solving Barriers to Career Development Toolkit

About this Toolkit:  Break through barriers at your school with this great toolkit including a slideshow, handouts, and letter templates.  This toolkit also inc ludes an Interactive Barriers Tool to assist you in identifying the types of barriers at your school and accessing strategies to overcome these barriers. 


Tips for Using the Toolkit:

  • ​​Present the Slide Show to your faculty as a staff development opportunity.
  • Read about the Family  School Collaborative Student Led Conferences article  or the Student Led Conferences Summary and ask others if they would like to move towards student led conferences.
  • Pass out the Career Development Barriers Evaluation Activity to assess the opinion of Barriers at your school.
  • Send the Interactive Homework pdf to teachers through email and encourage them to use this new engaging strategy in the classroom.

Identifying and Solving Barriers to Career Development & the Barriers Toolkit: 


Identifying and Solving Barriers to Career Development


Barriers Toolkit